Breaking Barriers: Female Perspectives on Science Entrepreneurship

Breaking Barriers: Female Perspectives on Science Entrepreneurship

On the occasion of Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day, we had the privilege of having Ana Luzaic, director of our esteemed member Open Kitchen Labs, hosting an insightful panel discussion. With entrepreneurship as the focal point, Ana orchestrated a dynamic discussion beyond the conventional discourse. She invited speakers with a unique journey of entrepreneurship as women with a scientific background. The result was an informal, lively conversation that not only highlighted the issues but also provided inspiration for a more inclusive, diverse, and innovative future.

Pictures by Monique Kooijmans

We are able now to share the key takeaways:

Representation Matters: We need more women in business, particularly in male-dominated sectors within tech and science. Let's continue breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations of female entrepreneurs!

Role Models are Vital: As we discussed, "You can't be what you can't see." Let's continue to amplify the voices of women leaders and provide inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs. Each of us has the power to be a role model and make a difference!

Networking is Key: Never underestimate the power of your network. Leverage your connections, seek mentorship, and do your due diligence. With the right support system, anything is possible!

Don't Hesitate to Ask for Help: Whether it's seeking advice, forging partnerships, or exploring new opportunities, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Together, we can go far and achieve remarkable things!

"It was truly an honour to moderate the panel at ACID alongside three phenomenal women founders. Their insights and experiences were not only inspiring but also a testament to the incredible potential of female entrepreneurship in science. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the stage with them and engaging with an audience full of aspiring future founders. Together, we're shaping a more inclusive and innovative future for entrepreneurship!" - Ana Luzaic (OKL)

Special mention for our panelists and organizer:

Open Kitchen Labs is a shared and fully facilitated lab space for start-ups in sustainability and biotechnology. With a gym-like subscription model, OKL unburdens start-ups of the logistics and up-front investments for lab infrastructure, offering access tohigh-tech labs at start-up prices at Amsterdam Science Park.

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