Behind the scenes of Open Kitchen Labs

Behind the scenes of Open Kitchen Labs

Open Kitchen Labs is a small company in Amsterdam Science Park that offers access to advanced lab facilities for startups and short R&D projects. Today we talked to their Operational Director Ana Luzaic.

Origins and Inspiration

Open Kitchen Labs (OKL) came about when we saw a real need for affordable lab spaces forstartups, right here in Amsterdam Science Park. We realized there weren't many options for companies, especially those in the early stages of development. Our idea was simple: all researchers deserve access to top-notch lab facilities, especially the ones tackling today's sustainability challenges, without the burden of outsourcing or losing their in-house expertise.

For me, it's personal. With my passion for catalyzing growth in the startup ecosystem, and with my chemistry background, I'm right at home with OKL's mission. Working with these young innovative minds not only keeps me up-to-date on the latest technologies, but it also constantly sparks my scientific curiosity.

One of the labs of OKL, situated in Matrix ONE.
Innovative Solutions

What sets OKL apart is our pioneering concept of providing flexible access to fully equipped chemistry and biotech labs. Think of it like a plug-and-play model, it empowers companies to focus on their research without headaches over setting up a lab. We offer comprehensive support: we handle everything from providing equipment and assistance for experiment setups, to managing waste and procurement. All under a convenient monthly subscription.

One recent achievement in helping leading innovators in Amsterdam is the progress of Caffe Inc. Although our ways are parting soon, we are immensely proud to have been an important factor in their scaling up success.

Challenges and Success

Our road hasn't been smooth sailing, that's for sure. One significant hurdle was establishing ourselves within the Amsterdam startup community. Despite knowing we had great potential, getting the word out and gaining traction has been our primary challenge. We're feeling pretty hopeful about tackling it with strategic partnerships, such as with ACN. By joining forces, we aim to boost our exposure and connect with key stakeholders in the Amsterdam innovation ecosystem.

At the end ofthe day, success is all about collaboration, sharing, and communication, principles that underpin both OKL and ACN.

Ana Luzaic hosting a panel discussion on female entrepreneurship at ACID 24.
Future Prospects

Looking ahead, our goal couldn't be clearer: we are here to facilitate the rapid scaling of technology-intensive startups in Amsterdam. We measure our successby the real, tangible impact we have on these startups' growth trajectories.

By providing essential support and encouraging collaboration within the Amsterdam innovation ecosystem, we enable startups to thrive in this dynamic city. Our dream? To see Amsterdam become the epicentre of innovation, where startups receive the support they need to flourish and make a lasting difference in the world.

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