Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day (ACID): our annual event!

ACID is typically an afternoon celebrating the role of chemistry in our society. It informs attendees about the latest chemical innovations taking place in Amsterdam and surroundings. This year ACID will be organised on Friday, the 26th of November (13:00-19:00). This year too we are co-organising the day with the van 't Hoff institute for Molecular Sciences. ACID is typically an afternoon celebrating the role of chemistry in our society. It informs attendees about the latest chemical innovations taking place in Amsterdam. It starts with a plenary session with speakers from industry, academia and policy followed by a broad spectrum of parallel sessions to choose from.
This year the three plenary speakers are Erik Rietkerk (CEO Argent Energy), Ruud Koornstra (National Energie commissioner) and Annemieke Petrignani (MacGillavry Fellow at University of Amsterdam)
Topics at the parallel sessions include: Organic waste valorization, Infrastructure for circular industry, skills for future chemists, socio- techno- economical challenges towards circularity, spin-off from cultural heritage research.
During the event you will meet chemists from companies (from startup and SME to multinational) and academia, students as well as representatives of the Chemistry NL and National funding agency NWO. A great opportunity to find potential partners, research funding and/or future employees to accelerate your business.
Please save the date and stay informed about the program!